Enabling Research in Evolutionary Biology
When using RAxML please cite the following paper: A. Stamatakis: "RAxML Version 8: A tool for Phylogenetic Analysis and Post-Analysis of Large Phylogenies". In Bioinformatics, 2014, open access.
Get the most up-to-date RAxML version from github.
Please send all your questions and feature request to the RAxML google group. Before posting, keep in mind that a google group actually has a search function! Emails to Exelixis lab members regarding RAxML will not be answered. Messages posted via github will also not be answered.
Since datasets are getting larger here is a formula to estimate RAxML memory requirements: Given an alignment of n taxa and m distinct patterns the memory consumption is approximately:
You may also use th on-line calculator below:
Required size:
Web-Servers for phylogenetic placement of short sequence reads (including alignment and visualization tools):
co-maintaned by Exelixis Lab:
I recently found this youtube video (in Spanish) with a nice tutorial on how to use the CIPRES portal:
not maintained by the Exelixis Lab: